Laundry Hacks for Busy People: Conquer Mount Washmore Without Breaking a Sweat
3 min readMay 2, 2024

Let’s face it, laundry can feel like a never-ending battle, especially for busy individuals. Between work, errands, and social commitments, who has time to spend hours sorting, washing, and folding clothes? Fear not, fellow time-crunched warriors! This blog is here to equip you with laundry hacks that will help you conquer Mount Washmore efficiently and reclaim your precious time.

Hack #1: Embrace the “One-Load-a-Day” Habit:

Ditch the overflowing laundry basket that stares you down accusingly. Instead, make “doing laundry” a daily habit. Dedicate 15–20 minutes each day to throw in a small load. This not only prevents a weekend laundry avalanche but also allows you to wear clothes you love more often without waiting for a full basket.

Hack #2: The Power of Sorting (But Not for Too Long):

While sorting colors is crucial, avoid getting hung up on creating a million different piles. Separate whites, darks, and delicates. For everything else, create a “mixed colors” pile suitable for a cold-water wash. This simplifies sorting without sacrificing cleaning effectiveness.

Hack #3: Speedy Wash Cycles are Your Friends:

Most modern washing machines offer quick wash cycles perfect for lightly soiled clothes. Utilize these cycles for everyday items like t-shirts, jeans, and workout clothes. They clean effectively while saving you precious time.

Hack #4: Multitasking Makes Magic:

Laundry doesn’t have to be a solo activity. Fold clothes while watching your favorite show, listen to an audiobook while ironing, or pair socks during a commercial break. This way, you’re getting chores done without sacrificing leisure time.

Hack #5: Invest in Mesh Laundry Bags:

Mesh laundry bags are a lifesaver for delicates and small items. Toss socks, lingerie, and workout clothes in separate mesh bags to prevent them from getting lost in the washing machine abyss or snagged on other clothes.

Hack #6: The Wrinkle-Free Trick:

Dryer sheets are great for softening clothes, but did you know they can also help minimize wrinkles? Toss a dryer sheet in with your clothes even if you’re air-drying them. The slight residual heat helps relax wrinkles, making ironing (almost) optional.

Hack #7: Master the Art of Spot Cleaning:

Don’t let a small stain ruin your entire day (or outfit). Keep a stain remover pen handy and tackle minor spills immediately. This can prevent the stain from setting and save you from having to re-wash the entire garment.

Hack #8: Utilize Leftover Dryer Heat:

After taking out your dry clothes, leave the dryer door open for a few minutes. This allows the residual heat to escape and dry any lingering moisture on towels or clothes that might need a little extra time.

Hack #9: Embrace Low-Maintenance Fabrics:

Invest in wrinkle-resistant and quick-drying fabrics whenever possible. They require minimal ironing and often dry faster, saving you time and effort.

Hack #10: Delegate When Possible:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Consider laundry delivery services or laundry exchange programs offered by some apartment buildings. These services can be a lifesaver during particularly busy weeks.

Bonus Tip: Repurpose Old Clothes:

Instead of throwing away clothes with minor tears or stains, consider repurposing them into cleaning clothes, workout clothes, or even DIY projects. This reduces waste and saves you money on buying new items.

By implementing these laundry hacks, you can streamline your laundry routine and free up valuable time in your busy schedule. Remember, consistency is key! So, put these hacks into practice, and reclaim your weekends from the tyranny of Mount Washmore!



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